Prayer Petitions For June 25, 2018

June 25, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” Let us pray joyfully to God our Father who called John the Baptist to proclaim the coming of the kingdom of Christ: O Lord, guide our feet into the way of peace. You called John the

Mass Readings For June 25, 2018

June 25, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” First Reading – 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15A, 18 Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, occupied the whole land and attacked Samaria, which he besieged for three years. In the ninth year of Hoshea, king of Israel the king

Prayer Petitions For June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” Because of our sins the Father gave the Lord Jesus up to death, and for our justification he raised him up again. Let us pray: Have mercy on your people, Lord. Hear our prayers and spare

Mass Readings For June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” First Reading – Isaiah 49:1-6 Hear me, O coastlands, listen, O distant peoples. The LORD called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name. He made of me a sharp-edged sword and

Prayer Petitions For June 23, 2018

June 23, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” Because of our sins the Father gave the Lord Jesus up to death, and for our justification he raised him up again. Let us pray: Have mercy on your people, Lord. Hear our prayers and spare

Mass Readings For June 23, 2018

June 23, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” First Reading – 2 Chronicles 24:17-25 Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace. Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits; By

Mass Readings For June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” First Reading – 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 When Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son was dead, she began to kill off the whole royal family. But Jehosheba, daughter of King Jehoram and

Prayer Petitions For June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” Because of our sins the Father gave the Lord Jesus up to death, and for our justification he raised him up again. Let us pray: Have mercy on your people, Lord. Hear our prayers and spare

Prayer Petitions For June 21, 2018

June 21, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” The world was created by the Word of God, re-created by his redemption, and it is continually renewed by his love. Rejoicing in him we call out: Renew the wonders of your love, Lord. We give

Mass Readings For June 21, 2018

June 21, 2018 The Best Catholic

Read Our Latest Post – The Catholic Truths in “The Lord of the Rings” First Reading – Sirach 48:1-14 Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace. Their staff of bread he shattered, in his zeal he reduced them to straits; By the

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