Prayer Petitions For April 12, 2019

The Lord Jesus sanctified his people with his blood. Let us cry out to him:
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Loving, Redeemer, through your passion teach us self-denial, strengthen us against evil and adversity, and increase our hope,
— and so make us ready to celebrate your resurrection.
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Grant that Christians, as your prophets, may make you known in every place,
— and bear witness to you with living faith and hope and love.
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Give your strength to all in distress,
— and help us to raise them up through our loving concern.
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Teach the faithful to see your passion in their sufferings,
— and show to others your power to save.
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Author of life, remember those who have passed from this world,
— grant them the glory of your risen life.
Lord, have mercy on your people.

Source: Evening Prayer,

The Best Catholic

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