Prayer Petitions For May 1, 2019

April 29, 2019 The Best Catholic

God the Father raised Christ from the dead and exalted him at his right hand. Let us pray to the Father, saying: Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord. Righteous Father, you lifted Jesus above the earth through the triumph of the cross, —may all things be lifted

Mass Readings For April 30, 2019

April 29, 2019 The Best Catholic

  First Reading – Acts 4:32-37 The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great

Prayer Petitions For April 30, 2019

April 29, 2019 The Best Catholic

God the Father raised Christ from the dead and exalted him at his right hand. Let us pray to the Father, saying: Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord. Righteous Father, you lifted Jesus above the earth through the triumph of the cross, —may all things be lifted

Mass Readings For April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 The Best Catholic

  First Reading – Acts 4:23-31 After their release Peter and John went back to their own people and reported what the chief priests and elders had told them. And when they heard it, they raised their voices to God with one accord and said, “Sovereign Lord, maker of heaven

Prayer Petitions For April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 The Best Catholic

God the Father raised Christ from the dead and exalted him at his right hand. Let us pray to the Father, saying: Through Christ in glory, watch over your people, Lord. Righteous Father, you lifted Jesus above the earth through the triumph of the cross, —may all things be lifted

Prayer Petitions For April 28, 2019

April 24, 2019 The Best Catholic

The Holy Spirit raised the body of Christ to life and made it the source of life. With joy in our hearts let us call upon the risen Christ, saying: Lord, make all things new and fill them with life. Savior of the world and King of the new creation,

Mass Readings For April 28, 2019

April 24, 2019 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Acts 5:12-16 Many signs and wonders were done among the people at the hands of the apostles. They were all together in Solomon’s portico. None of the others dared to join them, but the people esteemed them. Yet more than ever, believers in the Lord, great numbers

Prayer Petitions For April 27, 2019

April 24, 2019 The Best Catholic

The Holy Spirit raised the body of Christ to life and made it the source of life. With joy in our hearts let us call upon the risen Christ, saying: Lord, make all things new and fill them with life. Savior of the world and King of the new creation,

Mass Readings For April 27, 2019

April 24, 2019 The Best Catholic

  First Reading – Acts 4:13-21 Observing the boldness of Peter and John and perceiving them to be uneducated, ordinary men, the leaders, elders, and scribes were amazed, and they recognized them as the companions of Jesus. Then when they saw the man who had been cured standing there with

Prayer Petitions For April 26, 2019

April 24, 2019 The Best Catholic

The Holy Spirit raised the body of Christ to life and made it the source of life. With joy in our hearts let us call upon the risen Christ, saying: Lord, make all things new and fill them with life. Savior of the world and King of the new creation,

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