Prayer Petitions For October 30, 2019

We acknowledge Christ the Lord through whom we hope that our lowly bodies will be made like his in glory, and we say:
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

Christ, Son of the living God, who raised up Lazarus, your friend, from the dead,
— raise up to life and glory the dead whom you have redeemed by your precious blood.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

Christ, consoler of those who mourn, you dried the tears of the family of Lazarus, of the widow’s son, and the daughter of Jairus,
— comfort those who mourn for the dead.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

Christ, Savior, destroy the reign of sin in our earthly bodies, so that just as through sin we deserved
— punishment, so through you we may gain eternal life.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

Christ, Redeemer, look on those who have no hope because they do not know you,
—may they receive faith in the resurrection and in the life of the world to come.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

You revealed yourself to the blind man who begged for the light of his eyes,
— show your face to the dead who are still deprived of your light.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

When at last our earthly home is dissolved,
— give us a home, not of earthly making, but built of eternity in heaven.
Lord, you are our life and resurrection.

Source: Evening Prayer,

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The Last Words of 40 Saints Before Death

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