Prayer Petitions For December 30, 2019

Let us joyfully acclaim Christ, born at Bethlehem in Judea, for he gives nourishment and guidance to his holy people:
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.

Christ the Savior, desired of the nations, spread your Gospel to places still deprived of the Word of life,
— draw every person to yourself.
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.

Christ the Lord, let your Church grow and extend the boundaries of its homeland,
— until it embraces men and women of every language and race.
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.

King of kings, direct the hearts and minds of rulers,
— to seek justice, peace and freedom for all nations.
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.

Almighty ruler, strength of the weak, support those in temptation, lift up the fallen, protect those living in danger,
— console those who have been deceived, comfort the incurably ill, strengthen the faith of the anxious.
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.

Consoler of the sorrowful, comfort the dying,
— and lead them to the fountains of living water.
Let your favor rest upon us, Lord.



For this last Christmas of the decade, My Reflection offers a new and unique perspective. I am giving emphasis on the Shepherds of the first ever Christmas. These shepherds are always unnoticed in the Nativity Scene. But what Catholics do not realize is that many of us could actually relate ourselves to them. I assure you that this is an interesting read that would make your appreciation of the Nativity story much more meaningful.


Read Our Post:
The End of the World: An Advent Reflection
The Catholic Church traditionally teaches us the Four Last Things (Death, Purgatory, Heaven, Hell) and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ during the Season of Advent. However, many Catholics still avert from such topics because they are frightened of these things. My Reflection this Advent on the End of the World aims to give awareness and more insights into these truths, which we must face sooner or later. My piece also includes a Personal Message to my dear Readers.
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