Prayer Petitions For January 10, 2020

We pray now to the Father who has appointed Christ a light to the nations:
Father, hear our prayer.

Give increase to your Church,
— and spread the glory of your Son.
Father, hear our prayer.

Eternal Father, you led the wise men from the East to your Son,
— reveal him to all who seek the truth.
Father, hear our prayer.

Draw all nations into your marvelous light,
— so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bend.
Father, hear our prayer.

Send laborers into your vineyard,
— let them preach the Gospel to the poor and announce a time of grace.
Father, hear our prayer.

Grant the dead the fullness of redemption,
— that they may rejoice in the victory of Christ, your Son.
Father, hear our prayer.



Read Our Latest Post:
With God, Our Vision is 20/20: How to Let Go of the Past—To Have a Present and a Future
This first Post to start off the 20’s offers an absorbing My Reflection. I’m sharing with you my heartfelt personal advice on how to let go of the past… the way I did. Many “practicing” Catholics are still carrying the heavy baggages of the past—hurts, wounds, bad choices, wrong decisions, mistakes, regrets. Here is a Catholic perspective on why letting go of the past will enable you to move on, with God, to have a present and a future. I guarantee that there is so much to reflect on and learn in my piece. Happy New Year 2020!

Related Post:
Reflection: The Three Wise Men and our own journey
The Epiphany Sunday Gospel for this week recounts the journey to Bethlehem of the Three Magi in search of the Child. In this 2018 Post, My Reflection outlines some simple, relevant lessons that the Three Kings narrative imparts on our own spiritual journey.

Christmas 2019 Post:
The Shepherds of the First Christmas: A Unique Reflection


Advent 2019 Post:
The End of the World: An Advent Reflection
The Best Catholic

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