Prayer Petitions For January 6, 2020

Blessed be Jesus Christ, the Lord, who has come to bring light to those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death. With deep faith we beg him:
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.

Lord Jesus, at your coming you brought to birth your body, the Church,
— let her be rooted in love and gifted with growth.
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.

You hold heaven and earth in your hands,
— let all peoples and their leaders recognize your royal power.
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.

Through your incarnation you became eternal high priest,
— let all priests be genuine ministers of your saving work.
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.

In the womb of the Virgin Mary, you brought about a mystical union of divinity and humanity,
— bless the virgins consecrated to you, their heavenly Spouse.
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.

You did not create the power of death but you destroyed it by becoming man,
— graciously transform the mortality of our deceased brothers and sisters into eternal life.
Christ, Rising Sun, give us your light.


Related Post:
Reflection: The Three Wise Men and our own journey
The Epiphany Sunday Gospel for this week recounts the journey to Bethlehem of the Three Magi in search of the Child. In this 2018 Post, My Reflection outlines some simple, relevant lessons that the Three Kings narrative imparts on our own spiritual journey.



Advent 2019 Post:
The Best Catholic

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