Prayer Petitions For January 7, 2020

United with all Christians in prayer and praise, we entreat the Lord:
Father, hear your children.

Help those who know not God but seek your presence in the shadows and projections of the human mind,
— make them new persons in the light of Christ.
Father, hear your children.

Look with favor on all who adore you as the one true God and who await your coming in judgment on the last day,
— may they recognize your constant love for us.
Father, hear your children.

Remember all those on whom you bestow life, light and all good things,
— let them never be far from you.
Father, hear your children.

Watch over all travelers with angelic protection,
— and keep them from sudden and unforeseen death.
Father, hear your children.

You revealed your truth to the dead while they were on earth,
— lead them to contemplate the beauty of your countenance.
Father, hear your children.


Related Post:
Reflection: The Three Wise Men and our own journey
The Epiphany Sunday Gospel for this week recounts the journey to Bethlehem of the Three Magi in search of the Child. In this 2018 Post, My Reflection outlines some simple, relevant lessons that the Three Kings narrative imparts on our own spiritual journey.



Advent 2019 Post:
The Best Catholic

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