Prayer Petitions For January 8, 2020

Let us praise the Word of God, for he has come to cast our sins into the sea. Strengthened by this knowledge, let us pray to him:
Lord, show us your compassion.

As eternal high priest you entered the world and established the fullest expression of worship,
— through your Church let all men and women share in this sacred liturgy.
Lord, show us your compassion.

As physician of bodies and spirits you came to visit all who were sick,
— heal and strengthen those who are ill.
Lord, show us your compassion.

You were a source of joy for all at your birth,
— give hope to those in torment and to those in sin that they may be able to rejoice in you.
Lord, show us your compassion.

Mighty King, you cut the bonds of our former slavery,
— release those who are captives and show your care for those in prison.
Lord, show us your compassion.

You came as the door leading into heaven,
— let the dead pass through that door into the heavenly kingdom.
Lord, show us your compassion.



Read Our Latest Post:
With God, Our Vision is 20/20: How to Let Go of the Past—To Have a Present and a Future
This first Post to start off the 20’s offers an absorbing My Reflection. I’m sharing with you my heartfelt personal advice on how to let go of the past… the way I did. Many “practicing” Catholics are still carrying the heavy baggages of the past—hurts, wounds, bad choices, wrong decisions, mistakes, regrets. Here is a Catholic perspective on why letting go of the past will enable you to move on, with God, to have a present and a future. I guarantee that there is so much to reflect on and learn in my piece. Happy New Year 2020!

Related Post:
Reflection: The Three Wise Men and our own journey
The Epiphany Sunday Gospel for this week recounts the journey to Bethlehem of the Three Magi in search of the Child. In this 2018 Post, My Reflection outlines some simple, relevant lessons that the Three Kings narrative imparts on our own spiritual journey.

Christmas 2019 Post:
The Shepherds of the First Christmas: A Unique Reflection


Advent 2019 Post:
The End of the World: An Advent Reflection
The Best Catholic

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