Prayer Petitions For January 13, 2020

God has made an everlasting covenant with his people, and he never ceases to bless them. Grateful for these gifts, we confidently direct our prayer to him:
Lord, bless your people.

Save your people, Lord,
— and bless your inheritance.
Lord, bless your people.

Gather into one body all who bear the name of Christian,
— that the world may believe in Christ whom you have sent.
Lord, bless your people.

Give our friends and our loved ones a share in divine life,
— let them be symbols of Christ before men.
Lord, bless your people.

Show your love to those who are suffering,
— open their eyes to the vision of your revelation.
Lord, bless your people.

Be compassionate to those who have died,
— welcome them into the company of the faithful departed.
Lord, bless your people.



Read Our Latest Post:
With God, Our Vision is 20/20: How to Let Go of the Past—To Have a Present and a Future
This first Post to start off the 20’s offers an absorbing My Reflection. I’m sharing with you my heartfelt personal advice on how to let go of the past… the way I did. Many “practicing” Catholics are still carrying the heavy baggages of the past—hurts, wounds, bad choices, wrong decisions, mistakes, regrets. Here is a Catholic perspective on why letting go of the past will enable you to move on, with God, to have a present and a future. I guarantee that there is so much to reflect on and learn in my piece. Happy New Year 2020!

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Reflection: Jesus Cures Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law
One of the Gospels for this week is a narrative about Jesus as He begins healing the sick. In this 2018 Post, My Reflection outlines what we can particularly learn from the example of Peter’s mother-in-law, and the example of the prophet Samuel in the First Reading, as well as some reminders about our calling from God.

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