Prayer Petitions For February 11, 2020

Let us praise Christ the Lord, who lives among us, the people he redeemed, and let us say:
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, king and ruler of nations, be with all your people and their governments,
— inspire them to pursue the good of all according to your law.
Lord, hear our prayer.

You made captive our captivity, to our brothers who are enduring bodily or spiritual chains,
— grant the freedom of the sons of God.
Lord, hear our prayer.

May our young people be concerned with remaining blameless in your sight,
— and may they generously follow your call.
Lord, hear our prayer.

May our children imitate your example,
— and grow in wisdom and grace.
Lord, hear our prayer.

Accept our dead brothers and sisters into your eternal kingdom,
— where we hope to reign with you.
Lord, hear our prayer.


Related Post:
February 11: Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes
(Optional Memorial and World Day of the Sick)
The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin to Saint Bernadette Soubirous as Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the most widely known among a handful of Catholic Church-approved apparitions. This Post concisely provides a timeline of key events and highlights of all eighteen apparitions of Our Lady to Saint Bernadette in Lourdes.

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