Prayer Petitions For April 7, 2020 – Holy Tuesday

The Savior of mankind by dying destroyed death and by rising again restored life. Let us humbly ask him:
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.

Redeemer of the world, give us a greater share of your passion through a deeper spirit of repentance,
— so that we may share the glory of your resurrection.
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.

May your Mother, comfort of the afflicted, protect us,
— may we console others as you console us.
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.

Look with love on those who suffer because of our indifference,
— come to their aid, and turn our uncaring hearts to works of justice and charity.
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.

You humbled yourself by being obedient even to accepting death, death on a cross,
— give all who serve you the gifts of obedience and patient endurance.
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.

Transform the bodies of the dead to be like your own in glory,
— and bring us at last into their fellowship.
Sanctify your people, redeemed by your blood.


My Latest Blog:
The Suspension of Holy Mass and the Sacraments as the Coronavirus Pandemic Escalates: A Reflection in the Light of the Third Sorrow of Mary
Have you been afflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic? Perhaps you are now under lockdown, or in self-quarantine? I encourage you to read this article I wrote on my thoughts about the coronavirus and its historic impact on the Catholic Church: the temporary suspension of Holy Mass and the Sacraments. My Reflection tackles the deeper meaning of these events for Catholics—in the light of the Third of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. So wherever you are in the world, this Post may serve as a source of strength and faith in this uncertain and trying time.


Feature Post:
Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, especially in the midst of this pandemic, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.


My Reflection on the Sorrows of Mary—A Lenten Series:

As the Season of Lent nears its culmination, deepen your spiritual preparation through these Reflections. Now is a suitable moment to read them for the first time, or to revisit these Posts, for those of you who have previously perused them.

The Second Sorrow of Mary and the Uncertainties in Life

The Third Sorrow of Mary and the Mysteries of God’s Will

The Fourth Sorrow of Mary and the Types of Catholics

The Fifth Sorrow of Mary and Consoling Jesus and His Mother

The Sixth Sorrow of Mary and the Blood and Water from the Side of Jesus

The Best Catholic

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