Prayer Petitions For April 14, 2020 – Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

As Christ lay in the darkness of the earth he saw the light of a new glory. Let us cry out to him in joy:
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for all bishops, priests and deacons, that they may be zealous in their ministry,
— and prepare for you a people devoted to every good work.
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for all who teach in the service of your Church,
— that they may seek your truth with a sincere heart.
King of glory, hear us.

We pray for your faithful people, that they may be victorious in the contest of faith,
— and win the prize of victory in your kingdom.
King of glory, hear us.

You canceled our condemnation by nailing it to the cross,
— free us from our chains, and lead us out of darkness.
King of glory, hear us.

You went down among the dead and opened for them the gates to life,
— welcome our dead brothers and sisters into your kingdom.
King of glory, hear us.


My Latest Blog:
What seems like a coincidence—the spread of the coronavirus has become a pandemic exactly two weeks into the Season of Lent—is actually not mere chance; for Catholics do not believe in mere coincidences. With everything that’s happening, God must have a message. But what is God saying? In this Post, I offer a detailed analysis of the things that God could be telling you and me and the world with this COVID-19 crisis. As the Church celebrates a glorious Easter, take some time to read and think about which ones in the article mean something in your life. I assure you that My Reflection will help in your spiritual understanding of this tumultuous time.


Feature Post:
Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, especially if you are under lockdown or in isolation in the midst of this pandemic, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.


My Reflection on the Sorrows of Mary—A Lenten Series:

As the Season of Lent nears its culmination, deepen your spiritual preparation through these Reflections. Now is a suitable moment to read them for the first time, or to revisit these Posts, for those of you who have previously perused them.

The Second Sorrow of Mary and the Uncertainties in Life

The Third Sorrow of Mary and the Mysteries of God’s Will

The Fourth Sorrow of Mary and the Types of Catholics

The Fifth Sorrow of Mary and Consoling Jesus and His Mother

The Sixth Sorrow of Mary and the Blood and Water from the Side of Jesus

The Best Catholic

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