Prayer Petitions For April 21, 2020 – Tuesday, Second Week of Easter

By his resurrection Christ has given sure hope to his people. Let us ask him with our whole hearts:
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, from your wounded side flowed blood and water,
— make the Church your spotless bride.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

Chief shepherd, after your resurrection you made Peter shepherd of your flock when he professed his love for you,
— increase from day to day the love and devotion of Francis, our Pope.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

You showed your disciples how to make a great catch of fish,
— send others to continue their work as fishers of men.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

At the lakeside you prepared bread and fish for your disciples,
— grant that we may never allow others to die of hunger.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.

Jesus, the new Adam and life-giving spirit, transform the dead into your own likeness,
— that the fullness of your joy may be theirs.
Lord Jesus, you live for ever; hear our prayer.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, especially if you are under lockdown or in isolation in the midst of this pandemic, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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