Prayer Petitions For February 8, 2021 – Monday

February 9, 2021 The Best Catholic

God has made an everlasting covenant with his people, and he never ceases to bless them. Grateful for these gifts, we confidently direct our prayer to him: Lord, bless your people. Save your people, Lord, — and bless your inheritance. Lord, bless your people. Gather into one body all who

Mass Readings For February 8, 2021 – Monday

February 8, 2021 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Genesis 1:1-19 In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw how good

Prayer Petitions For February 6, 2021 – Saturday

February 7, 2021 The Best Catholic

We give glory to the one God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and in our weakness we pray: Lord, be with your people. Holy Lord, Father all-powerful, let justice spring up on the earth, — then your people will dwell in the beauty of peace. Lord, be with your people. Let every

Mass Readings For February 4, 2021 – Thursday

February 4, 2021 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24 Brothers and sisters: You have not approached that which could be touched and a blazing fire and gloomy darkness and storm and a trumpet blast and a voice speaking words such that those who heard begged that no message be further addressed to them.

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