Prayer Petitions For May 22, 2021 – Saturday, Seventh Week of Easter

When the days of Pentecost were complete, God sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. As we celebrate this great feast with joy and faith, let us cry out:
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.

In the beginning you created heaven and earth, and in the fullness of time you renewed all things in Christ,
— through your Spirit go on renewing the world with the gift of salvation.
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.

You breathed the breath of life into Adam,
— send your Spirit into your Church to be its life and vigor, that it may bring new life to the whole world.
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.

By the light of your Spirit, enlighten the world and dispel the darkness of our times,
— turn hatred into love, sorrow into joy and war into the peace we so desire.
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.

Water flowed from the side of Christ as the fountain of your Spirit,
— may it flow over all the earth and bring forth goodness.
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.

You bring life and glory to mankind through the Holy Spirit,
— through the Spirit lead the departed into the love and joy of heaven.
Send forth your Spirit and make the whole world new.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, especially if Holy Mass in your area remains inaccessible or restricted, or if you are in isolation or under lockdown in the midst of this pandemic, then make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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