All glory and honor to God, for in the blood of Christ he has ratified a new and everlasting covenant with his people, and renews it in the sacrament of the altar. Let us lift up our voices in prayer:
Bless your people, Lord.
Lord, guide the minds and hearts of peoples and all in public office,
— may they always seek the common good.
Bless your people, Lord.
Renew the spirit of dedication in those who have left all to follow Christ,
— may they give clear witness to the holiness of the Church.
Bless your people, Lord.
You have made all men and women in your image,
— may they always uphold human dignity.
Bless your people, Lord.
Lead back to your friendship and truth all who have gone astray,
— teach us how to help them.
Bless your people, Lord.
Grant that the dead may enter into your glory,
— to praise you for ever.
Bless your people, Lord.
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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