Prayer Petitions For January 9, 2023 – The Baptism of the Lord, Monday

Our Redeemer desired to be baptized in the Jordan by John; let us make our petition to him:
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.

Christ, Servant of God, the Father acknowledged you as his own Son with whom he was pleased,
— send forth your Spirit upon us.
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.

Christ, Chosen One of God, you did not break the crushed reed or extinguish the wavering flame,
— have mercy on all who are seeking you in good faith.
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.

Christ, Son of God, the Father called you to be a light to the nations in the new covenant,
— open the eyes of the blind by the waters of baptism.
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.

Christ, Savior of mankind, the Father anointed you with the Holy Spirit for the ministry of salvation,
— lead all to see you and to believe in you, that they may have eternal life.
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.

Christ, our hope, you lead those in darkness to the light of salvation,
— receive our departed brothers and sisters into your kingdom.
Lord, send forth your Spirit upon us.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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