Prayer Petitions For January 19, 2023 – Thursday

Lift up your hearts to our Lord and Savior who gives his people every spiritual blessing. In the spirit of devotion, let us ask him:
Bless your people, Lord.

Merciful God, strengthen our Pope, and all our bishops,
— keep them free from harm,
Bless your people, Lord.

Look favorably on our country, Lord,
— free us from all evil.
Bless your people, Lord.

Call men to serve at your altar,
— and to follow you more closely in chastity, poverty and obedience.
Bless your people, Lord.

Take care of your handmaidens vowed to virginity,
— that they may follow you, the divine Lamb, wherever you go.
Bless your people, Lord.

May the dead rest in eternal peace,
— may their union with us be strengthened through the sharing of spiritual goods.
Bless your people, Lord.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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