Prayer Petitions For January 23, 2023 – Day of Prayer of the Unborn, Tuesday

Christ desires to lead all men to salvation. Let us implore him with all our heart:
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.

Through your precious blood, Lord, you redeemed us from the slavery of sin,
— grant us the freedom of the sons of God.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.

Bestow your grace upon our bishop, and upon all bishops,
— may they administer your sacraments with fervent joy.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.

Grant that all who seek the truth may find it,
— and in finding it may they desire it all the more.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.

Be present to comfort widows, orphans and all the abandoned, Lord,
— may they feel close to you and cling to you.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.

Receive our departed brethren into the heavenly kingdom,
— where with the Father and the Holy Spirit you will be all in all.
Draw all things to yourself, Lord.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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