Prayer Petitions For February 5, 2023 – Sunday, Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Christ the Lord is our head; we are his members. In joy let us call out to him:
Lord, may your kingdom come.

Christ our Savior, make your Church a more vivid symbol of the unity of all mankind,
— make it more effectively the sacrament of salvation for all peoples.
Lord, may your kingdom come.

Through your presence, guide the college of bishops in union with the Pope,
— give them the gifts of unity, love and peace.
Lord, may your kingdom come.

Bind all Christians more closely to yourself, their divine Head,
— lead them to proclaim your kingdom by the witness of their lives.
Lord, may your kingdom come.

Grant peace to the world,
— let every land flourish in justice and security.
Lord, may your kingdom come.

Grant to the dead the glory of resurrection,
— and give us a share in their happiness.
Lord, may your kingdom come.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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