Christ extolled those who practiced virginity for the sake of the kingdom. Let us praise him joyfully and pray to him:
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
Christ, you presented the Church to yourself as a chaste virgin to her spouse,
— keep her holy and inviolate.
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
Christ, the holy virgins went out to meet you with their lamps alight,
— keep the fidelity of your consecrated handmaids burning brightly.
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
Lord, your virgin Church has always kept its faith whole and untarnished,
— grant all Christians a whole and untarnished faith.
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
You have given your people joy in celebrating the feast of your holy virgin Scholastica,
— give us constant joy through her intercession.
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
You have admitted the holy virgins to your marriage banquet,
— in your mercy lead the dead to your heavenly feast.
Jesus, example of virgins, hear us.
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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