Prayer Petitions For March 6, 2023 – Monday, Second Week of Lent

Glory to God the Father, who has promised through his Son to grant what is asked by those who pray together. With confidence in this promise, let us pray:
Lord, look with favor on your people.

Lord, you gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, and brought it to perfection in your Anointed One,
— may all recognize the Law written in their hearts, and keep it faithfully as a covenant.
Lord, look with favor on your people.

Give those in authority a true concern for their brothers and sisters entrusted to their care,
— and inspire the hearts of the people to support their leaders.
Lord, look with favor on your people.

Strengthen with your Spirit the minds and hearts of missionaries,
— and raise up a great company to help them from every nation.
Lord, look with favor on your people.

Give your grace to children, that they may grow in your favor,
— and to young people, that they may reach their full stature by loving you and keeping your commandments.
Lord, look with favor on your people.

Remember our brothers and sisters, who have fallen asleep in your peace,
— bring them at last to eternal life.
Lord, look with favor on your people.


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