Let us give thanks continually to Christ, our teacher and our head, who came to serve and to do good to all. In humility and confidence let us ask him:
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
Lord, be present to the bishops and priests of your Church, who share your role as head and shepherd,
— may they lead your people to the Father under your guidance.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
May your angel be with all who travel,
— to keep them safe in soul and body.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
Teach us to serve the needs of others,
— and to be like you, who came to serve, not to be served.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
Grant that in the human family, brother may always help brother,
— so that, with your assistance, it may be a city compact and strong.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
Have mercy on all the departed,
— bring them to the vision of your glory.
Come, Lord, to visit your family.
Source: DivineOffice.org
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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