Prayer Petitions For March 28, 2023 – Tuesday, Fifth Week of Lent

Christ our Lord has warned us to watch and pray to avoid temptation. With our whole heart let us pray to him:
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

Jesus, our Christ, you promised to be with those who pray in your name,
— help us always to pray with you to the Father in the Holy Spirit.
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

Bridegroom of the Church, cleanse her from every stain,
— teach her to walk in hope and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

Friend of the human race, teach us concern for our neighbor as you have commanded,
— that all may see you more clearly as the light of the world.
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

King of peace, give your peace to the world,
— that your presence may reveal your saving power in every place.
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

Open the door of eternal happiness to all the dead,
— welcome them into the glory of unending life.
Turn to us, Lord, and have mercy.

Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us.


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The Best Catholic

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