Prayer Petitions For April 23, 2023 – Third Sunday of Easter

With joy in our hearts, let us call upon Christ the Lord, who died and rose again, and lives always to intercede for us:
Victorious King, hear our prayer.

Light and salvation of all peoples,
— send into our hearts the fire of your Spirit, as we proclaim your resurrection.
Victorious King, hear our prayer.

Let Israel recognize in you her longed-for Messiah,
— and the whole earth be filled with the knowledge of your glory.
Victorious King, hear our prayer.

Keep us in the communion of your saints,
— and grant us rest from our labors in their company.
Victorious King, hear our prayer.

You have triumphed over death, your enemy; destroy in us the power of death,
— that we may live only for you, victorious and immortal Lord.
Victorious King, hear our prayer.

Savior Christ, you were obedient even to accepting death, and were raised up to the right hand of the Father,
— in your goodness welcome your brothers and sisters into the kingdom of your glory.
Victorious King, hear our prayer.


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