The Holy Spirit raised the body of Christ to life and made it the source of life. With joy in our hearts let us call upon the risen Christ, saying:
Lord, make all things new and fill them with life.
Savior of the world and King of the new creation, raise our minds and hearts to your kingdom,
— where you sit at the right hand of the Father.
Lord, make all things new and fill them with life.
Lord, you are always present in your Church,
— through your Holy Spirit guide it into all truth.
Lord, make all things new and fill them with life.
Show your mercy to the sick, the overburdened and the dying,
— that all may receive strength and courage from your love.
Lord, make all things new and fill them with life.
Light that never fails, as the day draws to its close we offer you our sacrifice of praise,
— and pray that the glory of your resurrection may shine on our deceased brothers and sisters.
Lord, make all things new and fill them with life.
Source: DivineOffice.org
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The Best Catholic website is under the patronage of the Mother of Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Thérèse of Lisieux (“The Little Flower” and Doctor of the Church), and St. Gemma Galgani (“The Gem of Christ”).Inspired by the beauty of the Divine Office and the extraordinary holy life of St. Gemma Galgani, it started as a personal blog, known as “Psalms and the Pilgrim Daughter” and has grown into a resource website that promotes the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.
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