Tragedy at the Magdeburg Christmas Market in Germany: A Saudi’s Terrorist Act and the Evils of Islam

A Peaceful Christmas Tradition Shattered by Islamic Violence

This morning, I woke up to #Germany trending on X (formerly Twitter) and read about a tragic event where a man from Saudi Arabia intentionally plowed his car at high speed into crowds at a Christmas market (Weihnachtsmärkte) in Magdeburg, Germany, committing a horrific terrorist attack. While some reports mention 2 fatalities, discussions on X suggest the death toll could be as high as 11, with at least 60 injured.

Catholics and Christians across various nations have taken to X, speaking out against the growing influence of Islam and the actions of many Muslims in Germany, highlighting the alarming rise in violence, disruption, and cultural tensions within the country.

Photo credit: @WallStreetMav on X

Meanwhile, across Germany, Muslims are holding rallies in Weihnachtsmärkte, claiming these cherished holiday traditions are “against their beliefs.” These disruptions—and in some cases, takeovers—of these sacred gatherings are deeply troubling.

My heart goes out to the victims and their grieving families. Imagine attending a Weihnachtsmarkt—a centuries-old tradition dating back to the late Middle Ages, celebrating the joy and hope of the Christmas season—only to encounter such violence. Catholics on X are praying for all who are affected.

A Personal Connection to Germany

In person, I have had Muslim friends before. Online, for years, I have had internet friends from both Germany and Saudi Arabia, especially through the game FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE (FFXIV). I’ve always admired Germans for their warmth and sincerity. They connect with me instantly, and I feel the same toward them.

My website and blog have had many loyal readers from Germany for years, strengthening my love and respect for the German people. This tragedy personally saddens me, and I mourn for their loss.

I used to feel similarly about my Saudi and Muslim internet friends. However, by the end of this year, I made the difficult decision to cut ties with them. Over time, observing the behavior of Saudis and Muslims has revealed troubling aspects of their collective mindset. While they may appear agreeable in good times, during sensitive and critical moments, their true sentiments often reflect a cultural and religious conditioning under Islam that raises serious concerns about the reliability of their words and actions. Ultimately, I don’t believe they can be trusted, nor do I think we can entrust our lives to them.

In contrast, with Catholics and Christians, when you see someone as a good person, their actions tend to consistently reflect their values, even during difficult times. Violence or harming others is far from their mindset, especially if they are genuinely good people guided by their faith.

Muslims, however, can sometimes feel unpredictable—like a dog that seems calm and tamed but suddenly turns aggressive, as seen in numerous tragic events reported in the news.

Islam’s Troubling Influence in Europe

Saudis and other Muslims, such as Pakistanis and Syrians, are known to kill their own family members who convert to Christianity. If they treat their own loved ones this way, what might they do to others?

1. Sara Fatima Al-Mutairi, Christian Martyr from Saudi Arabia (2008):
Sara Fatima Al-Mutairi, a Saudi Christian martyr, was reportedly killed by her own family in 2008 after embracing Christianity, showcasing the severe persecution faced by converts in Saudi Arabia.

2. Maria, 20, Killed in Erbil by Relatives for Converting to Christianity:
Maria, a 20-year-old woman from Iraq, was murdered by her uncle and brother in Erbil after converting to Christianity, highlighting the dangers faced by converts in the Middle East.

3. Three Family Members Charged for Murder of Activist Who Helped Convert:
Three family members were charged with the murder of an activist in Texas who helped a Muslim woman convert to Christianity and marry a Christian man.

4. Woman Allegedly Killed by Her Muslim Son for Accepting Christ:
A Christian woman in Uganda was allegedly killed by her Muslim son after converting to Christianity, reflecting the risks converts face within their own families.

5. Pakistan: When Converting to Christ Means Death:
A Christian man and his wife in Pakistan were brutally attacked after the woman converted from Islam to Christianity, underscoring the life-threatening challenges of apostasy in Pakistan.

6. Ex-Muslim Couple in Uganda Murdered for Converting to Christianity:
An ex-Muslim couple in Uganda was reportedly murdered for embracing Christianity, exemplifying the grave risks faced by converts.

7. Ex-Muslim Mom Beaten, Raped, and Threatened with Death:
A former Muslim mother of four in Kenya was beaten, raped, and threatened with death by her husband and neighbors after her conversion to Christianity.

8. Muslim Family Members Kill Recent Convert to Christianity:
A 29-year-old evangelist in Uganda was killed by his Muslim family members after converting to Christianity and leading others to Christ.

9. Saudi Sisters’ Tragic Deaths in Sydney:
Two Saudi sisters seeking asylum in Australia were found dead under mysterious circumstances in their Sydney apartment, raising concerns about their safety and the dangers faced by defectors.

10. Saudi Convert to Christianity Faces Threats and Legal Persecution:
A Saudi Christian convert faced court cases and threats for his faith, illustrating the relentless persecution of apostates in the kingdom.

11. Saudi Blogger Detained for Recording His Conversion to Christianity:
A Saudi blogger was detained after sharing his Christian conversion online, a reminder of the severe restrictions on religious freedom in Saudi Arabia.

12. Pakistani Man Kills Sister in Christian Honor Killing:
A Pakistani Christian man killed his sister in a so-called honor killing, a practice rooted in extreme cultural and religious conservatism.

13. Honor Killing in Pakistan: Couple Murdered After Conversion:
A Pakistani couple was killed by their family in a brutal honor killing after converting to Islam and marrying.

14. Father’s Brave Wait in Hope for His Daughter:
A father’s wait for justice continues as his daughter was reportedly taken back to Saudi Arabia under mysterious circumstances.

15. Saudi Arabia: Family Arrested for Helping Convert to Christianity:
A family faced repercussions in Saudi Arabia after aiding a relative in converting to Christianity, further exposing the systemic suppression of religious freedoms.

Islam is steadily overtaking Europe. Through X, I have become increasingly aware of the daily realities of Muslim immigrants—legal and illegal—as well as asylum seekers, who reportedly commit heinous crimes such as rape and murder, targeting women of all ages, including mothers and teenagers.

In cities like London, Paris, and across Germany, Muslim groups disrupt public peace by bullying commuters on trains and causing widespread disturbances. During their hours of prayer, they block main streets, causing severe traffic congestion.

They are also desecrating abandoned Catholic churches, converting them into mosques. Their agenda appears clear: to establish Islamic states within Europe under Sharia law. Through polygamy and large families, they use demographics as a strategy to dominate the continent.

Many of us wonder on X why governments allow this to happen. The reality is far more complicated than it seems, and the consequences are becoming more evident.

Warnings to Tourists and a Stark Contrast in Justice

Visiting Saudi Arabia as a tourist is often done in ignorance of the risks; it is foolish to even consider visiting the country. Saudis may appear overly friendly, engaging in flattery to mask their nation’s reputation for executions and oppression.

Yet many tourists in Saudi Arabia have found themselves in severe trouble, often due to accidental infractions or unfounded accusations, facing harsh prison sentences or even executions.

16. More Than 100 Foreigners Executed in Saudi Arabia in 2024:
Saudi Arabia executed over 100 foreign nationals in 2024, primarily for drug-related offenses. Human rights groups question the fairness of trials and the possibility of wrongful convictions.

17. Family in Dark as Yemeni-Dutch Man Languishes in Saudi Prison:
Fahd Ramadhan, a Yemeni-Dutch national, has been detained in Saudi Arabia since November 2023. His family remains unaware of the charges, and rights groups suspect the arrest is tied to social media posts critical of the Saudi government.

18. Aussie Dad Tells of Saudi Lash Ordeal:
An Australian Muslim father was sentenced to 500 lashes and a year in prison in Saudi Arabia following an argument over Muhammad in Jeddah.

19. Saudi Arabia: Psychiatrist Jailed After Salary Dispute:
Dr. Sabri Shalabi, an Egyptian psychiatrist, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Saudi Arabia following a dispute with his employer over unpaid wages. Forced confessions reportedly played a role in his conviction.

20. Jailed American Released After Saudi Arabia Sentenced Him for Tweets:
Saad Almadi, a dual U.S.-Saudi citizen, was sentenced to 19 years in prison for tweets critical of the Saudi government. He was released in March 2024 after international pressure highlighted the injustice of his imprisonment.

21. Saudi Netflix Producer Targeted with 13-Year Sentence:
Abdulaziz Al-Muzaini, producer of the Netflix series Masameer, was sentenced to 13 years in prison and a 13-year travel ban. Authorities targeted him for promoting terrorism and homosexuality, allegedly misinterpreting his satirical series and past critical social media posts.

They execute homosexuals and others for acts they deem immoral, acts which Catholics recognize as sinful but would never punish with death. This stark contrast highlights the inherent differences in mercy and justice between Catholicism and Islamic law.

Teachings of Saints Against Islam

Throughout the history of the Church, saints and theologians have critically examined the origins and influence of Islam, warning of its deviations from Christian truth and its consequences for the world.

Saint John Damascene, a renowned theologian and defender of the faith, critiques the origins of Islam, describing it as a heresy that diverged from the truths of Christianity:

“There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist…. From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.”

Saint Juan de Ribera, a Spanish bishop and staunch defender of the Catholic faith, highlights the violent means by which Islam spread and displaced Christian culture:

“As we have seen, Muhammed had neither supernatural miracles nor natural motives of reason to persuade those of his sect. As he lacked in everything, he took to bestial and barbaric means, which is the force of arms. Thus he introduced and promulgated his message with robberies, murders, and bloodshedding, destroying those who did not want to receive it, and with the same means his ministers conserve this today, until God placates his anger and destroys this pestilence from the earth.”

Saint Thomas Aquinas, whom I personally regard as the greatest theologian of the Catholic Church, critiques the moral and doctrinal flaws of Islam’s teachings, emphasizing its appeal to base human desires:

“On the other hand, those who founded sects committed to erroneous doctrines proceeded in a way that is opposite to this; the point is clear in the case of Muhammad. He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men.”

Prophecies of Victory Against Islam and Muslims

The saints not only warned of the dangers of Islam but also prophesied the ultimate triumph of Christ and His Church, often through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort emphasizes Mary’s pivotal role in opposing the enemies of God, including Muslims (referred to as Mahometans):

“Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, in might, and in grace in these latter times: in mercy, to bring back and lovingly receive the poor strayed sinners; in might, against the enemies of God—idolaters, schismatics, Mahometans, Jews, and souls hardened in impiety—who shall rise in terrible revolt against God to seduce those who oppose them; and in grace, to sustain the faithful servants of Jesus Christ who will battle for His interests.”

Montfort further envisions the Blessed Virgin Mary raising up great saints in the latter days to oppose heresies and bring about conversions:

“Strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, and sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand while building the mystical city of God with the other. Through her, God will bring about great victories and much glory.”

Blessed Mary of Agreda, in her mystical revelations, echoes this belief, foreseeing Mary’s unique role in leading unbelievers, including Muslims (referred to as Mohammedans), to Christ:

“Before the second coming of Christ, Mary, more than ever, must shine in mercy, might, and grace to bring unbelievers into the Catholic faith. The power of Mary in the latter days will be very conspicuous. Mary will extend the reign of Christ over the heathens and Mohammedans, and it will be a time of great joy when Mary is enthroned as Mistress and Queen of Hearts.”

Saint Pope John Paul II the Great, in a prophetic warning, foresaw the danger of Islam’s spread in Europe and its cultural impact:

“I see the Church afflicted by a mortal wound. More profound, more painful than those of this millennium,” he said, referring to Communism and Nazi totalitarianism. “It is called Islamism. They will invade Europe. I have seen the hordes come from the West to the East.”

“The Pope urged the faithful to resist this invasion not with armies, but with faith lived with integrity: ‘Europe will be like a basement, old relics, shadows, cobwebs. You, the Church of the third millennium, must contain the invasion. Not with armies—armies will not be enough—but with your faith.'”

These prophetic words and visions emphasize the enduring strength of the Catholic faith in the face of opposition. They affirm the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role as a powerful intercessor who will lead the Church to ultimate victory over all falsehoods, including Islam, and bring about a reign of Christ’s truth and peace.

To the Families of the Magdeburg Tragedy

In this season of hope, as the world remembers the birth of the Savior, the Church acknowledges the deep sorrow and grief that has overwhelmed the families affected by this tragedy.

Words alone cannot heal the profound wounds of losing loved ones to such violence, a loss that leaves behind silence where joy should have been. Yet, the Church, in its communion of saints, weeps with those who grieve and lifts countless prayers to heaven for their consolation.

The Christ Child, born in Bethlehem, entered a world marked by sorrow to bring light into its darkness. His arrival was heralded not in grandeur but in the quiet humility of a manger, surrounded by the simple and weary. It is to the grieving and brokenhearted that Christ comes most intimately, as the Psalmist declares, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). Even in the midst of such loss, He walks beside those who suffer, carrying their sorrow as His own.

This Christmas, though altered by grief, holds the eternal promise of the Incarnation. The angels proclaimed, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14). This peace is not the absence of suffering but the presence of Jesus Christ, who conquered sin and death to offer eternal life. The Church assures the bereaved that their loved ones, taken so cruelly, are not lost forever. In the mystery of the Resurrection, death is not the end, and in Christ, all will be reunited.

The quiet traditions of Christmas may offer glimpses of solace, softly illuminating hearts burdened by grief. The gentle glimmer of candlelight, the stillness of the Nativity scene, and the quiet reflection of this holy season remind the faithful that the Holy Family, too, endured trials. Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Joseph carried their Child through danger and exile, trusting always in God’s providence. In this trust, there is peace, knowing that the Christ Child, born for salvation, holds the departed in His eternal embrace.

The Church stands in solidarity with those who grieve, praying unceasingly for their strength and for the souls of those lost. It entrusts them to the tender mercy of the Lord, who comforts us with His promise: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

As the world clings to the hope of Christmas, the light of Christ continues to shine brightly, even in the darkest night. His love offers comfort and reminds all that they are not alone. Just as the shepherds knelt before the Infant King, the Church now kneels in prayer, asking for His peace to descend upon grieving families and all who mourn.

In the words of St. Alphonsus Liguori, “Jesus is the King of peace. If you desire peace, turn to Jesus; if you want peace in your homes, in your families, turn to Jesus.” May He, the Prince of Peace, bring comfort and healing in this sacred season and always.


The tragedy at the Magdeburg Christmas Market serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of extremism, which is frequently associated with radical interpretations of Islam that, in truth, it seems the majority of Muslims adhere to in situations that conflict with their beliefs, values, and faith, creating further divisions from peace and human dignity. It highlights the fragile nature of peace in our world and the urgent need for dialogue rooted in truth, mutual respect, and love. Yet, even amid such sorrow, the enduring message of Christmas shines through: a promise of hope, redemption, and peace found in Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

As we reflect on the loss and pain suffered by the victims and their families, we are reminded of the values Christ taught us—compassion, forgiveness, and love. By standing firm in our faith and seeking unity, we can resist the darkness of violence and find the strength to persevere through even the most trying times.

In contrast, those who commit acts of hate and violence, like this terrorist today and other Muslims who perpetuate such actions under the guise of faith, reject the light of Christ and risk eternal separation from Him. As Scripture warns, “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death” (Revelation 21:8). Such actions deny the fundamental dignity of human life and lead only to condemnation unless met with true repentance.

As we reflect on the ultimate victory of Christ, we are reminded of the powerful symbolism of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who stands triumphant over the crescent moon, a symbol of falsehood and darkness.

Historically, this imagery of Our Lady of Guadalupe has also been interpreted as a sign of victory over Islam, particularly during times of Christian-Muslim conflicts. This image speaks to the promise that, through her intercession, the forces of sin and error—including those who perpetuate violence and division—will ultimately be crushed under her feet. “She will crush your head” (Genesis 3:15) remains a timeless reminder of the Blessed Mother’s role in bringing victory to Christ’s kingdom.

In the end, through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the power of Christ, she will crush Islam and all falsehoods underfoot, bringing the triumph of truth and peace.

In this sacred season, let us recommit ourselves to the light of Jesus Christ, carrying His peace into our homes, communities, and the wider world. His birth is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and salvation remain steadfast, offering redemption to all who seek Him.

As the world waits for Christmas, we are reminded that the Light born in Bethlehem (John 8:12) continues to guide us, especially in the darkest of nights, illuminating the path toward peace and faith.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Mama Mary, pray for us!


Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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