Psalm 73

1     A psalm of Asaph.

      How good God is to the upright,

      to those who are pure of heart!


2    But, as for me, my feet had almost stumbled;

      my steps had nearly slipped,

3    Because I was envious of the arrogant

      when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

4    For they suffer no pain;

      their bodies are healthy and sleek.

5    They are free of the burdens of life;

      they are not afflicted like others.

6    Thus pride adorns them as a necklace;

      violence clothes them as a robe.

7    Out of such blindness comes sin;

      evil thoughts flood their hearts.

8    They scoff and spout their malice;

      from on high they utter threats.

9    They set their mouths against the heavens,

      their tongues roam the earth.

10     So my people turn to them

      and drink deeply of their words.

11     They say, “Does God really know?”

      “Does the Most High have any knowledge?”

12     Such, then, are the wicked,

      always carefree, increasing their wealth.


13     Is it in vain that I have kept my heart pure,

      washed my hands in innocence?

14     For I am afflicted day after day,

      chastised every morning.

15     Had I thought, “I will speak as they do,”

      I would have betrayed this generation of your children.

16     Though I tried to understand all this,

      it was too difficult for me,

17     Till I entered the sanctuary of God

      and came to understand their end.


18     You set them, indeed, on a slippery road;

      you hurl them down to ruin.

19     How suddenly they are devastated;

      utterly undone by disaster!

20     They are like a dream after waking, Lord,

      dismissed like shadows when you arise.


21     Since my heart was embittered

      and my soul deeply wounded,

22     I was stupid and could not understand;

      I was like a brute beast in your presence.

23     Yet I am always with you;

      you take hold of my right hand.

24     With your counsel you guide me,

      and at the end receive me with honor.

25     Whom else have I in the heavens?

      None beside you delights me on earth.

26     Though my flesh and my heart fail,

      God is the rock of my heart, my portion forever.

27     But those who are far from you perish;

      you destroy those unfaithful to you.

28     As for me, to be near God is my good,

      to make the Lord GOD my refuge.

      I shall declare all your works

      in the gates of daughter Zion.

This is a favorite Psalm of The Best Catholic’s Main Author, which came to her in a providential manner, with God giving her His assurance and promise.