Miraculous Facts About Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

“Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” Our Lady of Guadalupe spoke this phrase in native Aztec Nahuatl language on the 12th of December 1531 as she had appeared for the fourth time to Saint Juan Diego, a 57-year old Mexican peasant and Catholic convert.  It was also on

Do Bad Catholics Separate You from the Church?

December 1, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

Back when I was 9 years old, there’s this woman, who was a family friend, that each time something about the Catholic Church would come up in conversations, she would repeatedly tell her story of why from being a Catholic, she converted to a Protestant cult.  According to her, she

Is the Feast of Christ the King Still Relevant?

November 20, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

In this day and age of modernity, technological advancement, and scientific exploration, secularism, which is the rejection of God and religion, becomes so rampant in different parts of the world that almost every human achievement is credited to the wonders and greatness of the human mind. Many of us can’t

The Last Words of 40 Saints Before Death

November 2, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

Usually, movies and programs depict a dying person telling last wishes to his family or loved ones. The nature of such wishes is mostly instructions over familial relationships to be left behind — like patching things up within the family (“Son, talk again with your mother and mend your relationship

Is Reincarnation Real?

September 20, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

Half past 10 pm, my eyes were closing as I was struggling to stay up to finish my work. The solution as always: cold drinks, with the tv on, Lifetime Channel on the background even no one’s really watching. Our family-favorite reality program, MasterChef Australia would be the next show.

Prayer for the Nativity of Our Lady

September 8, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

I’m sharing with you the Prayer in Honor of the Nativity of Our Lady.  This prayer is written by St. Anselm of Canterbury during the 12th Century.  I came across this prayer a long time ago.  Here it is: Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O sacred Virgin; give me

Pope Francis Gives the Homeless in Rome an Awesome Treat

August 28, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

In the last week, I’ve discussed why Catholics must practice almsgiving ( And incidentally, I saw the news that Pope Francis gives the Homeless in Rome a treat – and it’s something awesome! So far, about 100 people have participated. The one in charge of papal charities, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski,

Is It Catholic to Give Alms?

August 19, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

In school growing up, a few of the teachers, over the years, said to us students that we must not give alms to the beggars in streets, because it would reinforce them to beg, when it’s an annoyance to people, and they could be hit by vehicles. They also added,

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