The End of the World: An Advent Reflection

December 15, 2019 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

J.M.J. Lately, I have been often listening to two versions of the song If – the original male version by the American band, Bread, and a Filipino female cover version that I first listened to back when I was thirteen years old. I like the song for its poetical lyrics,

Be Encouraged: Faith in God Against All Odds

September 14, 2019 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

In one of the Mass Readings for this week, the Gospel (Luke 6:6-11) recounts a miracle and a plot: Jesus heals the withered right hand of a man on Sabbath Day, as the watchful Pharisees, enraged with the act, immediately seek counsel in a plot to put Jesus to death.

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