Saint Andrew Dung Lac and Companions

November 24, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Andrew Dung Lac and Companions, also known as The Vietnamese Martyrs, were a group of 117 martyrs canonized by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1988.  They were chosen to represent the estimated 130,000 or more Christians persecuted and killed in Vietnam over a period of three centuries (1625–1886). 

Saint Cecilia

November 22, 2016 The Best Catholic

Regarded as the Patroness of music and musicians, Saint Cecilia is often depicted playing a musical instrument such as an organ, organ-pipes or a viola.  Such patronage was attributed to her because during her wedding, she heard and sang heavenly hymns in her heart to the Lord.  That is why

Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 21, 2016 The Best Catholic

On this day, 21st of November, the Catholic Church celebrates the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This feast recounts the day when Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, Mary’s parents,  presented their young child to the Lord in the temple.  These events were based on the apocryphal

Saint Edmund Rich

November 20, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Edmund Rich, also known as Saint Edmund of Abingdon, was the Archbishop of Canterbury, England.  He was a fighter for justice and discipline in fulfilling his mission.  He was also an adviser to King Henry III and an excellent teacher of theology. Saint Edmund Rich, pray for us!

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

November 17, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, also known as Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia, was born in the year 1207 to King Andrew II of Hungary and Gertrude of Merania.  When she was just six years old, her view on life and faith drastically deepened because of the murder of her mother.  The

Saint Lawrence O’Toole

November 14, 2016 The Best Catholic

Born in Castledermot, Ireland around the year 1128, Saint Lawrence O’Toole was the youngest of four sons.  When he was ten years old, his father sent him to Dermod MacMurehad, King of Leinster, to serve as a hostage in his place.  He was not treated well while imprisoned until his father,

Saint Martin of Tours

November 11, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Martin of Tours was Bishop of Tours, France. He is one of the popular Catholic saints across Europe because of his birthplace in what is now part of Hungary, his childhood years spent in Pavia, Italy, and much of his adult years lived in France. His father forced him

Saint Leo the Great

November 10, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Leo the Great, or Pope Leo I as he was known, served as the Pope from the year 440 up to his death in 461. He was from an aristocratic family in Tuscany, Italy. In 1754, Pope Benedict XIV declared him Doctor of the Church. He was also the

Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica

November 9, 2016 The Best Catholic

The Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, or simply St. John Lateran Basilica, is the Cathedral of Rome, which means that it is considered the mother of all the churches, with the title “Ecumenical Mother Church of the Roman Catholic Faithful.” Thus, the entire Catholic Church celebrates the feast day

Saint Leonard

November 6, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Leonard was a Frankish (Germanic tribe) nobleman in the court of King Clovis I.  It was through Saint Remigius, Bishop of Reims, that Saint Leonard together with the king were converted to Christianity on Christmas day in the year 496.  He has been considered the patron saint of prisoners

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