Have you been saved? – Office of Readings, Tuesday

November 17, 2015 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

Surely, at least once in our life, we have been asked “Have you been saved?” (or “Are you saved?” as the variant) by Protestants (like Born Again ‘Christians’, Mormons, Iglesia ni Cristo (ni Manalo), or Dating Daan (ni Soriano) members here in the Philippines).  I have, even as early as

Path of Perfection – Friday, Midday Prayer

February 27, 2015 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

They say nobody’s perfect.  But that’s false.  For being Roman Catholics, like the Psalm below, we get the chance to be one. Psalm 26 Give judgment for me, O Lord: for I walk the path of perfection. I trust in the Lord; I have not wavered. Examine me, Lord, and